Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pay Cheques!!!

So, as you have probably read, I have finished my BSW. I have also gotten a real grown up job!! Yes, me. And the best part is this grown up job comes with a pay cheque. First pay cheque in 3 years.

Of course, I have been dreaming about all the things I will buy with my working girl's fortune. I have decided I want a dyson. I price compared them online tonight. Canada and US Wal Mart's are within a dollar difference on price.

Then it hit me, I'm a lame adult. Dyson's and steam mops!!! Seriously, this is what I want to buy with my spending money. I think turning 26 has really hit me hard. Someone please stop me before I start buying floral nightgowns, clip on earrings and getting perms.

But I still want a dyson.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


So, as I sit on the couch, using my blanket as a make shift snuggie, I had a lightbulb "a-ha" moment.

I constantly have to juggle remotes and my phone, and the desire to have a clutter free space. Since these crazy phones are pretty much eliminating the need for computers, why can't they do the same for remotes??

Yes, I want a cell phone that is also a remote for satellite, the television and the dvd player.

Genius or Jenius, right??

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Painful Conversation!!

Here is what a facebook chat conversation with my sister looks like on a typical night:

Jen: Remember when cd's were sold in those big plastic long things?
Ange: Uh, no. Long things?
Jen: they went around the cd completely and then were like long, like double the length and it was empty.
Ange: I have zero clue what you are talking about.
Jen: I'm trying to find a google image. It was the anti-theft thing that went around the outside.
Ange: ya, I need a visual.
Jen: I can tell.
Ange: hahaha
Jen: I just saw one on tv. It was like a blast from the past. It was before everyone in the movies was plastic surgeried.
(See I'm old too, I say shit like blast from the past.)
Ange: I usually know what you are talking about so I am baffled. Find one? An image?
Jen: yeah, I'm trying. I'll draw one in paint if I have too!
Ange: I can't go to bed until you find one.
Jen: I'm drawing one in paint RIGHT NOW!!! It'll be black instead of clear plastic. I'm emailing it now. Ok, go look.
Ange: kape (This reference requires it's own blog...that will come in the future...)
Jen: anything??
Ange: it's slow...hang on...
Jen: ok
Ange: LOL LOL LOL LOL YAH! Those were at Backstage!! (The mid-90's only music store in Melfort. And still is today is 2011.)
Jen: I know!!!!!
Ange: Oh gawd, that is hilarious. PLEASE blog this. As well as this whole painful conversation. LOL LOL LOL...I can't stop laughing.
Jen: Ok, I will do that right now!
Ange: The paint image makes it even better....hahhahahahaha. To top it off, I had that disc. Why were these on TV? I will let you go so you can blog...I need to get to bed anyway. Can't wait to read it.

(It was on tv because I was watching the feature film Empire Records Ange, a classic 1990's movie.)

Here is the paint image I drew for my sister:

(Ange here - why did they stop putting cd's in these? Did people quit stealing? Are cd's not worth protecting anymore? Did the music industry just decide that they should figure out how to keep people from sharing music online instead?)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

BSW Baby!!!

I (Jen) have officially completed the requirements for my BSW, (Bachelor of Social Work). Yes, I almost have a degree... it's almost as scary as the time I got my driver's license (shout out to my Dad for the training --because if she's gonna pass, she's gonna need practice).

Anyway, I'm cooler than I used to be. Or so I thought. I was showing my best friend Krista some dresses I bought for a wedding this month. And she asks "so when you graduate, does your style just change and become professional?"... apparently so. On that note, goodbye tight sparkly low cut bar clothes, you will be forever missed.

While I'm done school, I still haven't nailed down a job. Instead, I spend my time jumping on the trampoline in my landlord's backyard. I eat cereal and stay up late. I've gone over to Lana's house and done crafts...it's like I'm living a ten year old's dream. Tomorrow I'm getting a blizzard for miracle treat day and Friday I'm going for a bike ride because my dad put air in my bike tires.

Now, while I'm talking about trampolines, I want to say 'Buy one for your kid, while they are still a kid. Don't give them the "when you have the money you can buy whatever you want" lecture. When they have the money to buy one, they won't have the energy to jump for more than two minutes at a time. You will get more value out of it as a kid.'

Anyway, point is, I have a BSW... almost... Oct 15, 2011!!