Friday, March 27, 2009

I have been to my funeral and I am not dead

Last night while talking to a colleague and friend of mine about our recent layoffs, she said, "Do you feel like you are at your funeral but you aren't dead?"

The answer is yes!

The weird thing about having your job cut as a "budget surprise" with no notice, no warning, no nuttin', is that your co-workers and friends come out of the woodwork saying all the wonderful things about you that they have always thought but never said.

Let me tell you - it has been good to hear. I got emails, FB messages, calls, free lunches - the works. Everyone telling me that essentially I rock. Who can argue with that logic? I imagine it is all the things people would say about me at my funeral ... "she was always smiling, she is so enthusiastic, and driven, and talented .... blah, blah, blah ... remember when she brought us cupcakes?" Y'know, those kinda sentiments.

Anyway, several job prospects are on my horizon, and that friends, is verification that while I may have been to my funeral, I certainly am not dead.

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