Monday, March 22, 2010

Finally! My opportunity to dis Taylor Swift

Okay, before I get into my rant that I've been thinking about for a while, courtesy of Ms. Swift, can I just please take a moment to acknowledge those who have such intelligence and clever wit to come up with "Jengela"? Like seriously, that is awesomeness. That will also help keep us from getting confused between the other famous Ange and Jen - Jolie and Aniston, of course.

Thanks to the anonymous comment left on the Crazy Eyes blog, left by probably Heather; maybe Penny (come clean whoever you are!); this is the perfect place to launch into my rant against Taylor Swift.

Now, I know it's not a popular opinion. It's like saying you don't like puppies and sunshine and rainbows. But she just gets on my nerves in the biggest way. I used to think it was just my demographic. She isn't exactly targeted at the over 25 age group. Or over 21 even. But there are other people roughly my age who don't seem to mind her that much. My favorite XM stations lately have been 1990s and Prime Country, because they are guaranteed to be Taylor-free zones! Like, was she even BORN in the 1990s? (Okay, she was born in 1989. I Googled it.)

Arguably she is a good songwriter; assuming you like songs about boys, and falling in love with boys, and finding your true love who is a boy, and belonging to a boy, and being 15. Are you catching a theme here? I often think to myself, if I was still 15 or 17 or 20, would this music appeal to me? I mean, I get why girls like it. I wasn't always cynical and realistic. I was once a hopeless romantic too. You should see the stuff I have saved from when Grant and I were dating. But back when I was 15, the hit song wasn't some teen queen -- it was Whitney (pre-crack) belting a song written by Dolly (pre-surgery #167). Now THAT was a love song.

I know she's likable. I would just like to go ONE day without hearing her songs on every pop AND country radio station. I know lots of radio friends. Maybe they can help me. Dave? Cristy? Jeremy? Brad? For the LOVE OF GOD!! Make it stop!!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

While Taylor doesn't annoy me to the same degree she seems to annoy you, I am also over the Taylor hype. She's cute and she's fairly talented. But. She is not the be-all-to-end-all that people are being led to believe. Her work is sufficient for the day but immemorable and one day when her cuteness fades all that will be left of her are a couple of vaguely remembered songs.