Friday, April 23, 2010

Jen on Fire

So, my best friend Krista has an adorable baby, Brooklyn. Brooklyn is 7 months and about 17lbs. I love her. A lot. So, knowing that I'm going to Las Vegas next week, I decided I was going to hog her... Bad decision.

So I held her throughout the grocery stores. I held her in the Pizza place. I held her at the park.

That night my arm was so sore it was keeping me from falling asleep. Finally, 2 am hits, and I know I have an interview in the morning and need to be well rested. I put on the Arbonne version of A535. It works AWESOME!!! I love the stuff. One of its best features is that it will reactivate the heat when its warm.

I woke up, jumped in the shower and the water is hot. Normal right?? It was my arm that was begin reheating that caused some discomfort. It was on fire. It was warm to touch, My blood was boiling. It was sooo hot. I thought I was going to die throughout my entire job interview.

But I forgot about the muscle pain...

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