We Met Jordan Knight at the Chapters in the West Edmonton Mall. We Talk About That Alot.
The statements herein may or may not be factual. Only you can determine if we are acting or being serious.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Amendment to The Numbers Game
Make that TWO baby announcements you never thought you'd be reading! Identical twins will be arriving by March 6th, 2011!
Hi! I have a small request, could you possibly blog daily, or near daily, about your pregnancy, anticipation, reactions, experiences, thoughts, information you discover, etc! We are all intrigued, excited, and want to hear all the details! Love Gr8Aunty Shani!
They're two sisters who like to go to concerts. They like to stalk boy bands and cute guitar players. They will post those adventures, among others, on these pages.
Ange is married to Grant. They have a furry-child Zeke. Ange has a grown-up job, grown-up bills to pay and a grown-up crush on Jordan Knight.
Jen is currently a student at the U of R. She is also one of the few people Zeke will not bite. Jen spends most of her time having adventures, escapades or shenanigans.
They know by creating a blog together that at least one other person will read it. And Mom.
Hi! I have a small request, could you possibly blog daily, or near daily, about your pregnancy, anticipation, reactions, experiences, thoughts, information you discover, etc! We are all intrigued, excited, and want to hear all the details! Love Gr8Aunty Shani!
Wow! That's fantastic news!
Heather (Geoff's cousin, in case the name didn't ring a bell)
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