Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Strengths Perspective...

So, that exam I was talking about yesterday, was actually extremely difficult. Not just get a wrong answer, get zero, it was the get a wrong answer, LOSE a mark kind of exam. I guess I deserve that for underestimating the professor. But in the wonderful world of social work we are taught to turn any (I really do mean ANY) skill into a strength. Here is my strength:

I can stalk like no other. Yes, stalk. I have finetuned my ability to find out anything or find anyone. And, I can even do this in my pajama's without leaving the house. Like seriously, some people do not value their privacy like they should.

Thanks to my extraordinary facebook skills, boys that I have a crush on will be found in less than an hour. Even if I only have a first name, a hobbying or a town. Yes, I am that good. Osama bin Laden should be counting his lucky starts that I'm not interested, otherwise I'd have him found and tagged so quick his head would spin... if its not doing that already, exorcist style.

This skill does have drawbacks. I regularly see people and think I know them. I don't. And it's socially inappropriate to start conversations with them... But but your so and so's sister. "I don't actually know them" and "Don't freak these people out, Jennifer!!" plays on repeat in my head.

Another drawback: sometimes knowing too much is not always best. I have previous wrote about how I believe ignorance may possibly be bliss. Sometimes you find cheaters, sometimes you find liars, and I guess, in the long run it's better to know now.

Today, I used my skill after reading a news article about a woman from a town I had lived in, who was killed. I was curious after reading the article, and had a bad feeling, I knew and liked this person since she was always very friendly to me, even though I couldn't remember her name. Well, after creeping at least 30 people from Nipawin, that I didn't know, to no help whatsoever. I remembered the women and her husband's name. I found some of his relatives who didn't have privacy settings, and sure enough my hunch was right.

It's so sad to lose someone so nice, and so young. But as the strengths perspective dictates, we are alive. So I want to take this chance to lecture everyone on being safe this winter and to live every day like it might be your last.

Which for me might mean finding a non stalking, slightly more productive hobbie...

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