Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cute Babies, Always In Stock

One of the advantages of having a blog is a forum for me to vent my annoyances that have accrued over the past two days. Here goes:

Oh ya, I will be naming names...

#1 - The Bay. I was buying a Christmas gift on sale this week. (Yes, I shop early.) I waited in line behind a couple buying or ordering something that seemed to take forever. Well, 20 minutes that seemed like forever. (Dude, if you're reading this, why don't you check at home if ordering it online is cheaper?) I was only waiting to ask if they could give me a rain check because of course the item I wanted was out. (Why, oh why, don't stores keep a higher inventory of sale items? Is it THAT hard??)

So, she says that the Bay stopped giving rain checks a year ago. I informed her that maybe there should be a sign telling people that so that they don't wait 20 minutes for nothing. She basically skipped over my 'tude to gush over the baby. Like that's gonna work...ok, it did for a second. Until she leaned in to KISS HIM!

Yes, that's right. A total stranger, whom I just gave a total attitude to attempted to kiss my baby. I don't think she made contact because the car seat was in the way. Either way he got baby wiped down as soon as we left.

And, as we were leaving the stock person put two items on the I bought one after all. A happy ending.

Next stop #2 - Lowe's. For a brand new store, I have not had great experiences. Well, the service was awesome, but on trip one the items I wanted were NOT IN STOCK (Gee, that's familiar...) and when I went back on trip two, the item was back in stock but scanning at the wrong price. So I had to get that fixed! But a big thanks to the cashier who noticed my baby, and I quote, "You have an adorable baby."

Next stop, #3 - Sobeys. After checking for my exotic items of canned tomatoes and 24 Coke Zero, and seeing none, I stopped to ask at "CUSTOMER SERVICE" (y'know, the place that is supposed to be helpful?) and her response to my query "Do you have these items in stock?", was, and again, I quote: "I have no idea." "I don't know anything about that." Well guess what lady. I don't work at Sobeys. I have no idea myself if there is any stock left, so why don't YOU check? Or should I just change the sign to "CUSTOMER DISSERVICE"?

Then, she gives ME attitude because the coupon I got in their stupid promotion for free hashbrowns had part of the bar code missing!

Argh...maybe I will have better luck in the flu shot line-up. But here's a hint. I won't...that blog is next.

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