Thursday, January 29, 2009

I might not have 5 Star, but I am still VIP in my own special way

Well girls and boys, Ange does not have 5 Star VIP seats and backstage access to the New Kids. Ange does not think it is fiscally responsible to spend $375 US (read: $450 CAN) on such a luxury.

Ange wishes she could do it and not risk divorce. Ange wishes she and Jen were rich and could buy whatever they wanted, including facetime with their boys.

But it ain't gonna happen.

Good thing loitering around Starbucks is free! I hear the Knight brothers hang around there.

Seriously though, Jen and I did get decent seats, and we also have a pair to sell, so email us if you're interested in Row 26 for the Saskatoon show on April 11th. $180 takes both.

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