Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Well... the weather outside is frightful...

So, today is the first snowfall here in Regina (and most places around Saskatchewan).

I have to say I feel really conflicted. Although everything looks gorgeous covered in that white fluffy stuff, it's still snow.

Now that the snow is here, I do feel less weird having wrapped Christmas gifts. Christmas carols and christmas baking are right around the corner too. Movies like Off to Grandmother's House We Go, Elf, and National Lampoons Christmas Vacation will be frequenting tv. Oh, and almost a month off school in December is something I love too.

However, it's hard to forget that this is the start of 5 months of warming the vehicle, wearing boots, jackets, mitts, toques, having to wipe Zeke's feet every time he comes inside. As well, I'm highly doubting that my Dad is going to take Angela and I back to Maui (Ange probably wouldn't fit in the airplane bathroom if he did).

I guess the bright side of this winter is that will be Angela popping out those cute little babies in almost no time... although they will be lectured on staying inside as long as possible!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hip Baby Stores ... Or Not

When you're expecting a baby (or babies) you get to shop at all the cool baby stores. Lots of hip trendy places where they sell the latest must-have items.

Of course, they aren't all trendy.
In my prenatal class, the instructor was telling us about these maternity belly support belts that support your back and your baby bump. With my not-so-great back anyway, and my impending twin baby bump, I thought this was a great idea.
So, I didn't go to Groovy Mama, or Simply Spoiled, or even the baby section at Sears.

I went to Jollys Vet Supply. That's right. Right next to the equine and cattle supplies, you can get maternity support belts. Now, in all fairness, they also sell splints and slings and other medical supplies - for humans.

Now here's a coincidence. As I was telling the lady working that I was buying a larger size than normal because I'm pregnant with twins, she told me she was an identical twin too! What are the chances of that!?
I took that as a sign that this support belt, from the vet store, was meant to be mine!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dear Raymore,

I had completely forgot about the shock of Nov. 2009. Until I returned to the scene of the crime, and as I opened the door, it all came flooding back. If you don't know what I mean you should read the following link.


Seeing the sight of that old lady with the stall door open might have triggered Post Traumatic Stress. I think I need to start carrying more than hot dogs and mashed potatoes in my purse, that yellow caution tape would come in way too handy!!

Anyway, thanks for reminding me why I don't stop to pee in Raymore.


Another post about Angela being with children! Haha!

She's normal. Other than the belly at the front, she's totally normal. Well, she's sharing my closet, that's new.

So she supposedly has these hormones, but I'm the one who cries over a photo or ketchup packet and snaps when people can't read my mind. Angela is doing pregnancy Angelina Jolie style -- just meaning she's being all movie star, looking great and still being nice. Angelina also has twins... hmmm. It kinda seems like twins are stalking us ever since we found out there was 2 babies.

Anyway, I have to say I'm really proud of her for doing so well and being so "Grandma Hill" through it all (that's my colloquialism for sweet and nice). And after living together and seeing my crazy, she's probably thinking "I'm definitely not going near Jennifer if she ever gets pregnant... I'll send my kids!" Haha.

She's so lucky, she'll be able to send her kids to do her dirty work. I guess there is an upside to being a parent.

Thanksgiving Jengela Style

Angela, my wonderful sister, made this huge delicious spread for thanksgiving. It was amazing. And she was doing it all herself, without water for part of it (Shout out to the new water heater!), at 5 months pregnant with twins. So, she was pretty much like a superhero.

But even superhero's aren't perfect. After we ate, we pulled the table cloth off of Angela's perfect kitchen table... or what was a perfect kitchen table. Here is what we saw:

After the "Oh Crap" Moments, google got its exercise on! Turns out this is totally fixable. And an easy solution, and we didn't have to buy anything. All it took to restore the table was a blowdryer and about 30 minutes...maybe a little more. See look at that:

Back to perfection!! So, I hope to pass on this home remedy and prevent future freak outs if this ever happens to you!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pants Hangers and Blowdryers, some things don't come easy. At least to us!

So, I may not have known how to work a pants hanger until Angela showed me, but she had no idea the back peice of the blowdryer comes off so you can clean the lint screen.

See, I teach her things too. And I feel slightly better about using the pants hangers wrong for 4 months, because she's been oblivious to cleaning blowdryer lint for like 15 years.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Angela Vs. Jennifer

So, my entire life I have always wanted to be just like my big sister -- Have the same haircut, wear the same clothes and I always wanted to do everything Angela did, and then as I got older, I decided I wanted to do everything she did, but better.

I had a better biology mark than her in high school. I grew 3 inches taller than her. I will have my degree at 26, 5 years earlier Angela.

But I came to realize last night, if I ever want to out-do Angela, I'll have to have TRIPLETS!!!

So, I would like to thank Baby A and Baby B for ending my sisterly competition...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

People Watching...

Do you ever see people and think "Oh, I'm so glad that's not me".

Yesterday, I saw a lady walking 3 cats and I had that exact thought. And once in Costco, I saw a man buying 12 50lb bags of cat litter, same thought.

So, right now, as you're feeling tired, or bitchy or wishing things were better, be glad you aren't those two!!

The Little Things...

There are so many times a day, I look at Ange and say "this needs to be a blog". It happens even more frequently now that we live together again and that Ange is having a new adventure being pregnant.

For example, today we went to the Cream of the Crop craft show. We parked next to a lady who had a cd adhered perpendicularly to her hitch on her car. It's always nice to get the stange out of the way early in a trip.

Whenever Ange and I got seperated, she never worried because "you're at the table with the dips". She was right, multiple times she caught me dipping the disgusting pretzels into the dip, licking the dip off, and sticking the unbitten pretzels into my bunnyhug pocket until I had a chance of discretely disposing of them. I hate pretzels. They taste awful. I really really hate pretzels, like as much as I hate Uma Thurman. That's a lot.

Anyway, Ange had bought some dip mix at the craft show, so we made it for our Saturday night snack. She had bought chips, veggies and pretzels to go with. And here is how the conversation went:

Ange: Get a bowl
Jennifer: WHAAAAT? Are you going to put the chips and pretzels in the same bowl??
Ange: No, I'm not some kind of animal
Jennifer: Thank god.

Sometimes I wonder if its maybe a sister thing that our food can't touch. But as we watch the movie Grant picked, she's mocking me with chips and pretzels on the same plate!!