Sunday, September 20, 2009

Our Brother - Corey

Corey has the "Hill Charm" as it has affectionately been dubbed by his ex-girlfriends. Corey is smart and very charasmatic, and by this picture, he's not ugly (although, I did tell him he was for the 15 years of his life).

So tonight when we were interogating him we shouldn't have been surprised with how the conversation went.

It starts with Mom asking "Where are you going?"

"The bar" (Isn't this obvious on a Saturday night??)

"Well how do you afford to buy drinks at the bar?"

Corey said, "I know both bartenders" (Yep, the big Melfort bar, we have 2 bartenders!)

Mom countered with "Well, but who pays for those?"

Corey answered, "I pay for it in the morning!"

I love Hannah Montana.

I'm not ashamed. It's a really good tv show and Miley Cyrus is very talented.

This morning after I woke up, I tuned into the family channel to catch an episode. My grandma sat out on the couch and after about 10 minutes of this childrens television show, she asks "Is this Guiding Light?"

"No Grandma, it's Hannah Montana", I replied.

I don't think Guiding Light, an adult's soap opera, which is off the air now, should get confused with Hannah Montana. Whatever.

She probably just thinks they are the same because they have big necklaces.

Grandma really like those stylish big necklaces. She wants to get one when she turns 80.

We told her she didn't have to wait 5 years.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

No, I didn't murder anyone so close your mouth.

So, I don't plan on having kids, for lots of reasons people want to argue with. This is not a debate, it's my decision. However, it's been proven that they make your life miserable.
  • They drain your money.
  • They steal your freedom.
  • They ruin your relationships, especially your marriage.
  • They are non-stop work. Who wants a 24/7 job?? With no PAY??
  • Children are loud and do not come with Mute buttons.
  • They touch things.
  • They can not be controlled 100%.
  • They will mess up my whole life which I love.

Now now, before you get your panties knot, I know kids are wonderful, they are a blessing. I love kids, they say funny things and are adorable with a clean face, but I also love giving them back to their parents. Apparently once you have them all the other stuff doesn't matter.

Except, I don't have them, so all those other things really DO matter.
Maybe in 10 years I'll change my mind.

But for now, I am requesting when people inquire about my fertility or desire to pop out mini monsters, when I reply "I don't plan to have kids" that they please stop looking at me like I've just confessed to a mass slaughtering.

Thanks, I'd appreciate that.

Friday, September 4, 2009

To The Rude Bike Dude

Dear Rude Bike Dude,
I know that because the law says you can ride on the street that you feel entitled to do so.
I also know that I am in a car and can run your ass over at any time.

So, until you can go 80 km/h turning from the Lewvan onto Parliament Ave, you might want to reconsider calling me "Lady!" and informing me that I can't pull up next to you.

In fact, I can. There are two lanes. And I ain't waiting for your eco-cycling hippie ass to cross the street just because YOU think I should.

So, for next time, please be prepared for me to run you over. Fannie is a force to be reckoned with.

Thank you,