Friday, April 29, 2011

A Seam Free Life

Wouldn't your life be better without seams?
I know, it sounds petty and lame. Think about seams on your shirts cutting into your shoulders. No seams on your underwear cutting into your waist and hips.
But, this goes way beyond clothes. The other day drinking my Tim Horton's coffee in my newly cleaned car (thanks Grant), the paper cup started to leak. And where do you think it leaked from? The SEAM! Argh! This just reinforced my dream of a seam free life!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ange and Jen's Spin Off

Ok, so Angela and I desperately need a show just like the Kardashian's have, so that we can have spin offs like them. I mean, the K clan has like 5 shows, they can share the air time I'm sure. Now I know we don't have as much money, or butts as huge as theirs, but I'm certain we are just as interesting. "Ange and Jen take Safeway" that's the Khloe and Kourtney cross with Extreme Couponing! Our best spin off will be "Keeping Up with Levi". This kid has opened a new door to hilarious. I can see the opening credits now, my name across a shot of me changing a diaper in the backseat on a slippery change pad with a squirmy, squirty baby and Ange's shot of feeding her baby in the Raymore gas station parking lot while a STC bus parks only metres away. Reality tv doesn't get more real than this! **For the story on why you don't go into the Raymore bathroom, check out Nov 2009 blogs!

Where did the paragraph breaks go??

Dear faithful readers, I would like to apologize that our blogs are actually blobs. No one like blobs of text. I like short little paragraphs that are pleasing to read. I don't know how to fix whatever has happened. Please forgive the computer.

Goodbye is never easy...

As I embark on a new part of my life (finishing my degree) and move out on my own, I am in kind of weird place. I feel like deja vu. I'm certain I'm living the life I had five years ago but with better hair, clothes and car. I lived with Ange while I went to school. Did that in 2005-2006 and 2010-2011. When I finished school in 2006, I went to Nipawin. And now in 2011, I'm headed back to Nipawin. I've spent 30,000 and used 3 years of life, only to get back to where I started... So obviously, I need to make some changes. January 1st, I gave up McDonald's for the year, and so far it's good... except the ice cream, which doesn't count because it's ice cream. There is special New Year's Resolution policy that exempt ice cream. Now I'm giving up clothes. I lost a GIANT rubbermaid bin of clothes once for two years and never noticed. Today I found more clothes under my bed that I didn't remember I had. At my new apartment, I have a walk in closet. It's almost filled with 1/3 of my clothes. Did I mention I have clothes that are a year old and still have tags too?? So, for the month of May, I am giving up clothes shopping. I will not buy any clothes. Not even if they are 85% off and reduced to 99 cents. While I go through the grieving process for McDonald's, new clothes and a lifestyle of school which I have grown to love, I thought I should really challenge myself and give up soda. YES, you read that right. No pop ALL SUMMER!!!!!! Which reminds me, I should go google aspartame withdrawal symptoms... This won't be pretty. But I'm pretty sure it will make for good blogging once the shakes set it!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

My New Life Goal: Getting Stuff for Free

Now that I have had a son, I have gone into full-blown mommy mode which includes cutting coupons and getting good deals. Okay, that has nothing to do with Levi, because I always loved getting good deals and I have always cut coupons, but a new TV show has inspired this to a new level of consciousness. That show is Extreme Couponing. People on this show buy $800 worth of groceries and pay $4.53. Seriously. The other day Jen and I went to Walmart and I had an extreme coupon moment. I bought three cleaning products for $2 each ... if I bought three, I had a $5 off coupon, so I paid $1 for all three products. The adrenaline rush I felt was similar to when I saw the pregnancy test turn positive. I went home with my 33 cent dishsoap, happy as can be. Until I went to get the dishsoap out of the cupboard. It wasn't there. It wasn't under the sink; it wasn't in the downstairs pantry; it wasn't in either hall closet. I searched high and low!! No where to be found! I thought maybe it fell out of the shopping cart, or Grant put it somewhere that I would never look. Three weeks went by. I thought maybe I would never find my almost-free dishsoap. I had since went and bought a giant bottle of Palmolive that could NOT get lost. Until Jen started packing to move out. Jen: (Hilarious laughter) Ange! You are going to love this! Ange: Be quiet or you'll wake up Levi. Jen: No, seriously, you are going to love what I found! (Opens bag that she found in the trunk of her car.) Ange: IT'S MY DISHSOAP! Not unlike an archeological dig, Jen sometimes hoards stuff in her car and cleans it out once a year, finding all kinds of buried treasure in the meantime. Including my leftover groceries! So, now I have more dishsoap than I'll use in probably 3 months. But more importantly, I am not only a mom, but an extreme couponer in training!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Welcome Back Ankles!

You might be wondering why there was a two month hiatus from blogging. I don't know what Jen's excuse was, but I was busy having a baby. That's right. A baby. Is that a good excuse or what? Not only have I welcomed our son into our home, I have also welcomed back my ankles. Anyone who's been pregnant and gained more than 5 pounds knows that your ankles disappear around month 7, never to be seen again for at least 8 to 12 weeks. I still haven't welcomed back my wedding rings though. Not sure if those joints will return to normal or not. Anyway, with a baby, we'll definitely have even more adventures to write about! Stay tuned!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Well, I (Jennifer) turned 26 today. This past year, I knew it was coming after a thoughtful friend pointed it out. So, naturally, since 26 another year closesr to ancient, I have been feeling like I'm getting old. I look at guys my age, and think "crap, are they ever old"... I would like to think I could still lie and pass for 22. I'm thinking about spending my birthday money on a steam mop. That's certainly has to be a sign of aging. A steam mop is not fashionable, useless shoes that a younger person would choose. Today, the best part of my day, aside from hanging out with Levi, which I do everyday, was at 11:30. Oh, 11:30 AM, not PM like it would have been a few years ago. I went for lunch with some awesome ladies... oh, yeah, that should be another sign of aging too. My friends are ladies, not b*tches or frienemies! And, finally, the last reason I know I'm now getting old is because my parents are someone's Grandpa and Grandma. But I'll let Ange tell you about that!! Anyway, I'm gonna keep repeating a few words of Golden Girls wisdom: The older you get, the better you get... unless you're a banana!!