Sunday, May 31, 2009

May 31st

Since we've had so many blogs about grandparents, I feel it's important to talk about Grandma and Grandpa Hill today.

Grandpa and Grandma both reside in heaven... they have for a while now. Grandpa had Alzheimers for about a decade and Grandma had a broken heart after he died. We all knew she wanted to be with Grandpa.

Today, May 31st, would have been their 51st wedding anniversary. I personally feel it should be considered a sacred holiday.

But I'm sure they're dancing on some cloud in heaven and Grandpa is off time and Grandma is trying her best to keep Grandpa straight, all the while knowing in her wise way, timing is not what matters. They enjoyed dancing. And holding hands. And having tea after supper.

They had a love story that people can only dream of. It's like the Notebook and Walk the Line mixed together. With a little less drama and more camping! Haha

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