Monday, August 3, 2009

I figured it out!

How to get Angela and I a tv show, I mean. It just kinda hit me (like all my genuis ideas).

The key to getting a tv show is Oprah.

I'm not sure, if we just ask, if she can work her magic. Or if we need to befriend her. Perhaps we can use our hilarity and wisdom to impress her. Who knows, once I get my helicopter, maybe I can bribe with a free ride!

I mean, lets face it O was behind Dr. Phil, and now Gayle and Dr Oz are both getting shows too.

This really seems like the most logical and efficient way to go about getting a tv show.

And I mean if she says No, we can always ask her to get us elected as Co-Prime Ministers. I know Ange and I could sort that shit out!

1 comment:

Heather said...

If Oprah gives you a show, I'll be your Gayle!!