Saturday, August 1, 2009

Just in case you have a breastfeeding emergency

Okay, so, my grandparents do this too: if there is an important paper they want to save, they tape it to the inside of the cupboard door.

Imagine my surprise (well, not, really), when I was checking the cupboards for junk, and I found two papers; one was emergency contact numbers. The other was information on breastfeeding.

Yup. Breastfeeding. In MY new kitchen. Kinda ironic for a childless-by-choice 31-year-old, don't 'cha think? Like, is God saying "You MUST have babies, and when they need breastfeeding, here is the nearest La Leche meeting?"

I know the former owners had teenage boys, so I presume this had been up there awhile!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I was just thinking - I hope it was up there for a very very long time, considering they are teenagers! yuck!!