Monday, December 13, 2010

Don't Wake A Sleeping Baby

There are some truisms in life: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure; the early bird gets the worm; close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

Another one I've heard alot since becoming pregnant is "Don't wake a sleeping baby". As if! If the baby is sleeping, he's obviously not hungry or fussy or uncomfortable. I guess some people think you have to wake the baby up to keep to a schedule for feeding or some nonsense like that. (*Note: I have no practical parenting experience yet. I might learn that you should wake a sleeping baby. Keep your judgements to yourself!)

Anyway, the other morning I woke up and went to WalMart before the store got busy with Christmas shoppers. Since I pretty much just went in my sweats and ball cap (sorry other shoppers and clerks), I threw on Jen's knit boots. Without asking.

Of course, by the time I got home, she was up. I told her I wore her boots. She said "Without asking?". I said, "Would you prefer I wake you up to ask your permission, when I know you'll say yes?". "No, it's better that I sleep."

Exactly. You don't wake a sleeping baby and you don't wake a sleeping sister either! At least not my sister!

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