Sunday, May 1, 2011

Babies. No topic is off limits.

Before we left Melfort for home, it was imperative that we eat something. We stopped in at KFC. I held Levi's carrier while Ange took a bathroom break since we had a few minutes before our orders were ready. This is when the young woman at the till began asking about the baby.

It started with the normal questions like gender, name, etc. Then she brought out the big guns: "How was your labour?"

I was a little shocked she would ask that. I understand that as the chubby, non-make-up-wearing, rare-hair-doing-sister, I probably DO look like the crazy one that just popped out a kid! But, isn't asking about labour kinda personal?

To top it off, I'm sure the lone 30-year-old male customer next to me didn't want to hear about the gory details. But I answered anyway, on Angela's behalf... "Labour was awful, he took over 50 hours, and then was a c-section"...

So KFC lady, anything else you wanna know?? Any questions about breastfeeding?

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