Saturday, August 1, 2009

Growing Up Jennifer (its not easy, but it sure was fun)

As a kid, I was always mesmorized and jealous of the other kids who could draw the five point star with one line. I spent so much time trying to figure it out. When one night lying in my bed in my room covered with pink and white polka dots and Minnie Mouse, it hit me. I got out of bed, grabbed a pencil and paper, while my mom watched in confusion. I proceeded to draw a star. I was so proud of myself I finally fell asleep when I went back to bed.

I was scared to fall asleep because I was worried. I was worried that there were ghosts under my bed. I thought it was because my bed was on a frame with a metal headboard that there were obviously ghosts underneath it. And I also worried about a robber climbing in my bedroom window and stepping on my bed. I eventually lined up all my stuff animals along the wall on my bed underneath the window, and left the stuffed dog on the floor and convince myself, that they would all come to life if I was in danger.

Another strong memory I have growing up is learning to tie my shoes. My parents, of course, tried and tried to teach me, but it wasn't until I wanted to ditch kindergarten sharing time on the rug (because my sharing time was done and I was the only person my 5 year old self cared about), I actually learned. I went to the bathroom to kill some time while ditching class and while sitting on the toilet, it just hit me, completely out of the blue. And I've been able to tie my shoes ever since.

Anyway, there's some insight into my childhood!

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