Wednesday, September 9, 2009

No, I didn't murder anyone so close your mouth.

So, I don't plan on having kids, for lots of reasons people want to argue with. This is not a debate, it's my decision. However, it's been proven that they make your life miserable.
  • They drain your money.
  • They steal your freedom.
  • They ruin your relationships, especially your marriage.
  • They are non-stop work. Who wants a 24/7 job?? With no PAY??
  • Children are loud and do not come with Mute buttons.
  • They touch things.
  • They can not be controlled 100%.
  • They will mess up my whole life which I love.

Now now, before you get your panties knot, I know kids are wonderful, they are a blessing. I love kids, they say funny things and are adorable with a clean face, but I also love giving them back to their parents. Apparently once you have them all the other stuff doesn't matter.

Except, I don't have them, so all those other things really DO matter.
Maybe in 10 years I'll change my mind.

But for now, I am requesting when people inquire about my fertility or desire to pop out mini monsters, when I reply "I don't plan to have kids" that they please stop looking at me like I've just confessed to a mass slaughtering.

Thanks, I'd appreciate that.

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