Sunday, September 20, 2009

I love Hannah Montana.

I'm not ashamed. It's a really good tv show and Miley Cyrus is very talented.

This morning after I woke up, I tuned into the family channel to catch an episode. My grandma sat out on the couch and after about 10 minutes of this childrens television show, she asks "Is this Guiding Light?"

"No Grandma, it's Hannah Montana", I replied.

I don't think Guiding Light, an adult's soap opera, which is off the air now, should get confused with Hannah Montana. Whatever.

She probably just thinks they are the same because they have big necklaces.

Grandma really like those stylish big necklaces. She wants to get one when she turns 80.

We told her she didn't have to wait 5 years.

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