Saturday, October 24, 2009

Organizer Ange

Wow! We have passed the 100th blog! I can't believe we have found that much to say. Well, actually I can. We can both talk alot, and blogs are free --except the cost of computers and the internet, of course.

Since we're talking about superpowers, the other half of Encyclopedia Jen would be Organizer Ange. It's a gift. I have had it since birth. I thought for a long time that all people had perfectly organized things, but I found out at about age 7 or 8 going over to Bonnie's and Gaylene's to play that this was not true (no offense - your houses were fun, they just weren't organized).

So what does that mean?
My CDs are alphabetical.
My scrapbook paper is separated into the ROY G BIV color scheme.
My photos are all in albums or scrapbooks, chronologically.
My clothes (and Grants) are hung up short-sleeved, long-sleeved, t-shirts, dress shirts, darkest to lightest in each section.
Papers and bills are read, dealt with and put into my alphabetical filing cabinet - one drawer for me, one drawer for Grant. Or, they go into the recycle bin in the kitchen or office.
Everything I have to do is written in a daytimer, and/or added to the kitchen calendar and/or added to my work BlackBerry.

I sort, label, categorize and organize EVERYTHING. I am not sure if this is a superpower or an illness that would make for a good episode of an A&E reality show.

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