Monday, December 14, 2009

"Any whisky in there?"

Today as I was about to throw out an old 2009 daytimer, I came across an interesting list. Not your usual 'milk, bread, fruit', or 'laundry, mail letter, call SaskTel' kind of list.

Written in the back are a few bullet points, which I must have made during one of Grandma Nelson's visits. Now, we've already mentioned a few times on the blog what a riot she is, even when she's not trying. I must have made a list so that I could scrapbook about her visit -- and not forget about the little gems she was spouting off.

So, because I have NO idea what I was going to scrapbook, or if there are any photos at all, or when this even happened (presumably sometime in 2009), I will share with you this list.

Ah-hem. (This is verbatim. Hope you can read my notes and bad spelling.)

-g'ma is going to give Mom a licking for dumping out coffee
-can't retire from gardening 'cuz they can still walk
-Grandma's enjoying herself immensely 1115AM - day 1
-bathroom does everything except pee for you
-getting ice tea in cooler "Any whisky in there?"

I don't know why my list ends there. Or where we were. Or what we were doing. But I am sure glad I took notes.

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