Thursday, March 25, 2010

Karma, Faith and Signs

So, I believe things happen for a reason. I believe that for most bad things too. They only seem bad, and could’ve been worse. And the bad things are what make the wonderful things so wonderful. I have faith that things will work out the way they are supposed to. I believe in karma, do good and you’ll receive good, do bad and you’ll receive bad. I also believe in signs. That some moments in life you’ll see something and it’ll shock you.

Well that’s what happened to me this past weekend. I was thinking about a cute boy, who will remain nameless. Later that night when I looked at the chalk board in the hall that said “Happy Birthday Janice”, I notice some writing inside the balloons drawn on the board. It said “Jen” and then below to the left it had this nameless boy’s initials. No one in Biggar would possibly know that. So I think it’s a sign. That and my subconscious is super obsessed with him. He’s reoccurring in way too many dreams.

I’m doing nothing. Well, I guess I’m writing this blog about. But that’s all the action I’m taking. I’m not a crazy stalker.

Could you imagine, “Hi, Cute Boy! I saw our names on a chalk board in Biggar and I dream about you a lot. Wanna hang out??” May as well tattoo CRAZY on my forehead!

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