Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ugh! My shoes...

I was in Biggar on the weekend for a cabaret. During the cabaret, about 6 drinks in (so I was still sober enough to realize what was happening), I went to buy another drink. In line, at the bar I could feel wetness in my socks. I looked down and there was water, two inches deep, everywhere!!!

A toilet in the boy’s bathroom was overflowing. Into the bar. And onto the dance floor. GROSS

Needless to say, this was point I knew that I wouldn’t be forgetting this night. The next day, I didn’t want to put my shoes on. After I touched them to put them on, I sanitized my hands. When I got home, my Mom threw them in the washing machine.

I still can’t wear them though. There’s toilet water stigma on them.


Alicia said...

This happened once at Ezzies, the country bar in Lloyd. Inches of water pouring from bathroom to dance floor. Cowboy urine.

Anonymous said...

God doesn't want you to sin anymore. It was a sign!