Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I just want to throw this out there, but there are way too many bald guys walking around with long hair.

Growing your hair longer does not compensate for only having it on the sides or back or middle of your head.

Looking at your nasty Bret Michaels inspired hair makes me get a headache. It causes my retinas to become confused and not understand how to synapse, improperly sending messages through my optic nerve to the occipital lobe, so please stop! Or at least do as Bret Michaels, at least he covers the bald part with a bandana and hat.

Oh, and Flava Fav, I'm gunning for you next. I still don't understand why you are on you 4th reality tv show. And how there can be that many trashtastic ho's who want to be with you. You're like 50. Have 10 kids. And are 5'1". No one wants to be with you. Except maybe the prostitute from Borat.

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