Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Good Lord, when will it end...

So, I've been in Saskatoon since Sunday.

Sunday night, I vacuumed all the carpet in the house. Standing at the end of the hallway, I decided to use an attachment around the edges. I pulled the handle attached to the hose and dust exploded everywhere. I had to ask Angela how to use the vacuum, which I'm still not convinced I have the skill to do.

Yesterday, I decided to have toast. I put the bread in the toaster. And all I see are button and dials. Frozen, Fresh, Bagel, 1-8 darkness settings, and a cancel button. But I can't get the toaster to start. There was no start button, so I pushed on the bread. Nothing! Finally, as I was about to give up, I noticed the lever that is on every toaster made in Canada since 1973. Apparently, toaster usage isn't easy for me either.

But what really takes the cake was tonight when I was making pasta. I thought to check the jar of pasta sauce to make sure it was mold free first. So I grabbed the jar, twisted the lid and cut my finger open on pasta sauce. I was bleeding profusely, similar to a paper cut. I had cut myself opening a jar. I mean, the pasta sauce was dried, hard, and apparently sharp but still... Is this what my life is going to be.

Am I really going to be the klutz who hurts herself on pasta sauce??

I guess I don't really care because I have 5 coupons for Booster Juice, and those coupons made my day, and possibly week. They are the International Symbol of "everything's going to be ok". Ange said she was going notify the UN so they can prepare for world peace.

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