Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother F!@#%&

I hit the ditch. On the way to a class that was cancelled. With a dead cell phone. On a snowy May day.

Right after I talked about how blessed and wonderful my life is.

I think it might be karma from "miscalculating" some numbers on my return from the US.

But I took care of it myself. I am proud that I was able to get out of my vehicle, walk back to the highway in flip flops (I had shoes in the back, but it made sense to get my feet wet and dry them off rather than wet the shoes) in a snow/mud covered ditch and flag down a car so I could call CAA, while holding it together and not bawling. The logical problem solver was there before the traumatized mess.

The positive part of me did have the internal dialogue that said: you didn't flip, you didn't fly into oncoming traffic, you didn't land in a dugout, you're physically fine, you have CAA Gold, there were no coyotes around to eat me, I had heat and a radio, there was no significant damage done to my vehicle and I had 5 vehicles stop to offer help.

That internal dialogue lasted 5 seconds before I started crying. I was traumatized. I have been driving for 10 years and have never once hit the ditch. But that fricking ice/slush patch did me in. I had just slowed down because a semi infront of me was going slow and spraying mist, so because I wasn't in a huge rush, I just backed off. But I was still going between 90 and 100km/h. Combine that with the momentum of an out of control car and a girl who knew not to hit the brakes and make things worse, I spun around twice in the opposite lane and ditch before flying through the snow bank and heading through thick mud towards a dug out. I stopped fifty feet short of the dugout.

I had forty five minutes before the tow truck arrived to go over the details in my head, three of which I used to watch the grader come and clean the icy slushy patch I slipped on. So when the crabby CAA tow truck driver showed up, I was thankful, until he opened his mouth. "You need to slow down". I just stared. He repeated himself. The rage that consumed me in the moment could have physically torn his arms and legs off so I could beat him with them. I didn't need a lecture. I'm a grown up. I know I should have slowed down more when hitting a patch of slushy ice. But I was by no means speeding. He said I was the 4th person to hit the ditch here. Second today. I wondered if they got the lecture or if it was just the young, blonde haired, 2 door car driving female. I guarantee an older looking male counterpart wouldn't have... which makes me even madder.

I'm blessed it was minor. It could have been much worse. I controlled my emotions and solved the problem first. But that doesn't make it suck any less. Did I mention I had to pee?

At least I wasn't late for class. (SCREAM) Or allergic to my pants... Haha!

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