Thursday, May 6, 2010

Some people are allergic to cheese. I am allergic to my pants.

Okay, this isn't even a joke. I went to the doctor twice.

First time I had an actual rash in the exact shape of my bra line. I was pretty sure I would be able to sue La Senza. That doctor said "it's an allergy...put this cream on it, it will go away".

It went away.

Then, a different kind of rash showed up on my upper thighs, and part of my back, and part of my calves. My regular doctor was busy, so I saw the walk-in dude. He says "it's an allergy...did you try new soap? New pants? Seafood?"...I could tell he really wanted me to say "Oh yeah, I have new soap, with new pants and I ate octupus for dinner." But none of that was true!

So what I've concluded is, I am allergic to pants. And bras. This could have a significant impact on my social life, not to mention my career.

I actually have photos, but although I pretty muhc share all details here, I draw the line at posting rash photos. I mean, I do have SOME online boundaries.

So, wish me well as I try to figure out what the hell is causing my itchy, rashy redness!! ARGH!

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