Monday, December 13, 2010

Student Life

So, as most of you know, I'm a 4th year student in the Faculty of Social Work at the U of R.

I had a very intense semester this fall. Group projects, midterms, advocacy plans, ethical dilemma case studies, 3 major presentations, journal papers, communitiy planning and organizing papers. The last 3 weeks of classes, I had 15 different assignments due. Needless to say, it seemed never ending. But that was my consequence since I chose to take my last 5 required classes simultaneously.

So, I have my first (and last) final tomorrow. I've been a little worried since the class, Research, hasn't been my top priority, or top grade. I started organizing my study strategy last night and putting all the professors tips together.

We have 3 hours to write the exam, so I expected at least 100 multiple choice and true false, with a few essay or short answer questions. Boy, was I wrong. The exam is open book, I should have known since open book exams are almost always harder.

Today, I see the prof had responded to a comment about the exam. It's 20 questions. And I thought that was a joke. Nope, really is 20 questions, 3 hours, and its open book. Makes me think this degree might be a joke.

Guess I will be happy, that its not harder, or more stressful and that tomorrow I will be done another semester!!

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