Monday, December 13, 2010

Too good to be true

Everyday when I wake up, the dishes are magically put away. Always back in the cupboard.

For months, I never really said anything to anyone not wanting to attract attention to a chore I may then have to complete. For the longest time, I secretly thought that maybe Ange and her husband had a dishes fairy. I mean, they must have lots of money, they have 3 types of chocolate chips in the cupboard and buy pop in cans! Turns out, the dishes fairy was too good to be true.

I finally told Ange my dishes fairy theory. She shot me down and said, "No, I put them away every morning after I eat my breakfast".

Of all the things she could have said, I'm glad she was honest, but I would have said "Well, I thought you were putting them away..." kept her going Grandpa Hill style.

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