Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm Turning Into Jen

Entering your 8th month of pregnancy for the first time requires getting to know your body as you have never known it before. You ache in places that have never ached, you can't see places you've always been able to see, you feel your belly sitting on your lap where it's never sat before, and if that's not enough, your feet, hands and ankles swell up like water balloons.

And I'm leaving out the really bad stuff.

With my swollen hands, I've also been dealing with numbness and tingling in my right arm. Really "handy" for a right-hander like me. I drop things, trip on things, back into cars in parking lots (yes, really, grrrr....) and just generally have to deal with my clumsy, awkward self.

In other words, I'm turning into Jen. To which she laughed hysterically when I told her. She knows she is clumsy. She's had lots of years to adjust. I have only had a few weeks! I hope she will give me a few pointers for survival, or at least a helmet.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Unlike Jen your clumsiness will go away though. NOT that I am saying Jen is clumsy by any means , just saying you have a good reason for it all.