Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sin City meet Jennifer

Las Vegas is like another planet. It's slow all day long, but once night hits, it's complete mayhem.

Every skinny person has fake boobs. Boys wear purple crocs. Yeah, that's plural. I saw more than one boy wearing purple crocs. But that's better than the people who don't wear shoes at all.

I also got some insight into the obesity problems. Instead of stairs and ramps, they have escalators and walkways, some even lead directly to McDonald's.

Tipping on this planet has to be second nature. They won't let you do anything yourself, because that would be free and you wouldn't have to shell money out to anyone. I F$%^ING HATE TIPPING. I spent more money on tipping than I did on booze and gambling combined.

Also, the planet of Las Vegas smells like old lady glade plug-ins. It causes instant headaches. I'm not sure how anyone can stand it.

Anyway, Las Vegas is pretty awesome despite its quirks. But Canada is better. Way less loud obnoxious people here.

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