Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Patty "BadPants" Loveless

To commemerate the second anniversary of the Jordan Knight run-in, Jen and I went to see Patty Loveless at the Casino. Well, it was actually just a coincidence that it was the same day as the Jordan Knight anniversary, but we still thought it was worth celebrating.

Anyway, Patty is one of our favorite 90's country singers. She has a stunning voice and lots of great songs. However, as we learned tonight, she is a horrible dresser. As in, I have never seen such bad pants. It was like someone dared her to wear them on stage. We're still trying to figure out what the pattern was. Jen thinks they are velvet; I think they have orange cats on them. (We'll get a photo up here so you can see.) And the shirt wasn't much better. It was black, like the bad pants, but not the right shade. And it was ruffled with a collar - kinda like the white shirt I had back in grade 9 ... let's see, that would have been 1993, around the time her last hit was on the radio. (Maybe I'll find a photo of that too ... I'm pretty sure I wore it to the year-end dance.)

This isn't meant to be a Patty-bashing session, because she still did a great set of songs, once I quit being distracted by the pants. Jen thought she missed a bunch of her favorites from her CJVR free stage days, but there's only so many songs you can fit into 90 minutes. The Casino is also a great place to see live acts - good acoustics, limited seating, and a kick-ass veggie dip tray for only $5.95.

So from this former country radio announcer and current country blogger, five out of five - aside from the pants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Better "badpants" than "nopants"!